The Differential Diagnosis Agent Endpoint provides a structured approach to generating differential diagnoses based on a user’s input query related to veterinary medicine. It processes the input to assess relevance, retrieves pertinent information, and returns detailed differential diagnosis profiles to assist veterinarians and other users in clinical decision-making.
Request Body
The request body should be:
- input (string, required): The user’s query or description of clinical signs and symptoms in an animal.
Example Request
Successful Response (Relevant Input)
If the input is relevant to veterinary differential diagnosis, the API will return a JSON object with:
- status:
- reason: A structured dictionary containing detailed differential diagnosis information.
Object Structure
The reason object contains:
- Plain English Summary: A detailed summary of the potential diagnoses.
- Plain English Concise: A concise overview of the potential diagnoses.
- Differential Diagnosis Details: An object containing comprehensive details about each differential diagnosis.
Differential Diagnosis Details Fields
- Name
- Cause / Etiology
- Symptoms / Clinical Signs
- Risk Factors / Predispositions
- Diagnosis & Rule-Outs
- Physical Examination Findings
- Laboratory Tests
- Imaging / Advanced Diagnostics
- Definitive Diagnostic Tests
- Response to Treatment as a Diagnostic Tool
- Commonly Confused With / Differentials to Consider
- Prognosis
Example Successful Response
Unsuccessful Response (Irrelevant Input)
If the input is not relevant to veterinary differential diagnosis, the API will return a JSON object with:
- status: false
- reason: A string explaining why the input is not relevant.
Example Unsuccessful Response
Error Handling
If an error occurs during processing, the API will return a JSON object with an error key:
Example Error Response
- Ensure that the input string provides sufficient clinical context for the agent to generate a meaningful differential diagnosis.
- The differential diagnoses provided are intended to assist veterinary professionals and should be interpreted by qualified individuals.
- Fields within Differential Diagnosis Details may vary based on the specific case and available information.
Additional Example Requests and Responses
Example 1: Presenting Clinical Signs in a Cat
Example 2: Non-Medical Input
Usage Tips
- Provide Detailed Clinical Information: Include species, age, breed, symptoms, and any relevant history to receive the most accurate and helpful differential diagnoses.
- Interpreting the Response: The agent provides possible conditions based on the input.
- Error Reporting: If you encounter any issues or unexpected responses, please verify that the input contains sufficient clinical detail before retrying.